Monday, September 28, 2009

Can You Buy Denmans Brushes In Nz

Hello dear ones,

So, what is there to tell ... from Saturday to Sunday this was a group of 20 young people who had an academic conference. Then There Were evening campfire, etc. It's always nice when other people are there because you can meet new people and it's just funny, as when eating. This weekend we have here then a lot of help because of course, more work is incurred. Therefore, we have taken nothing great. Yesterday we had
have African food, because of September 27th is the day of Orixás Ibeji and this will be honored. Orixás are African deities of Candomblé and Ibeji be seen as the child deity. Ibeji twin means and he is always pictured with his "twin" Yoruba. Ibeji personifies the characteristics of a child, restlessness, pranks, laughter, etc. In any case it was
So then yesterday a banquet in honor Ibeji, which was very tasty. Refried beans, beans buffer, caramelized bananas, and much more:) This makes the

we have helped over the weekend and did nothing last night we drove to Simões Filho, just because there is a mini funfair. There we walked around a bit and then have tried Brazilian beer that tastes just like German ... at least my Opinion:) We sat outside on the square, where was the fun fair and have observed the goings ... a very different life here.

On the way back on the bus were three Capoeiristas, who started to play berimbau and sing and guess who is immediately smitten with singing and clapping? We of course ...:) All the other people on the bus but have looked silly, but this was the best coach I've ever had ... could back often be the case.

This week we will work a lot in the area, because the school is today and tomorrow (today and tomorrow because tomorrow is a holiday because the holiday is .... jaja is the logic of the Brazilians) ... I'm just happy if this is over because I have a layer weeding have what may well be important, because everything here is growing so fast, but this is also very boring;)

So that is all well again first, Beijos

Monday, September 21, 2009

Merilyn Sakova Dvd Review

Hello:) My work


Sun right now we are on the airport and wait on us at last to the Bank in the series are needed to pay our visa fees. However, it may be there, be about 2 hours because we are number 768 and as we went half an hour before the first turn was 732. Here everything takes its time.

Wednesdays we always have this meeting with the youth of the area. Last week I made a small Powerpointpraesentation about the school in Germany, where low-set has, but how different are the school systems.
These meetings are very important because then the knowledge of young people will be improved and they all still fun. The first time she did not even know where is Africa or America and that there is a constitution
etc. All very scary but not surprising, because the teachers here are not properly trained and most of the time no classes are. This is what you
eg Luli our roommate, the evening goes on to school. Unfortunately, find school 5 days a week instead of maybe 3 times. So do not compare with schools in Germany, where yes, there is also something like compulsory attendance.
The Wednesday evenings make sher here and a lot of fun since I Saturdays Capoeira join, where I am the only girl and I'm totally a fool, because I can no somersaults, etc., and are here in the group, some of our youth meetings are Jugens which become much more open. First there were the so closed and Shy, that one wondered how 17 year olds can be closed. However, since we know what is better and I am also interested in their sport, did they really friendly:) A small success:)

Yesterday we took a boat trip. The Allerheiligenkueste along with a stop on the Ilha de Itaparica and Frades. Simply wonderful. The weather was super good, but with much wind, so we felt the sun barely (One reason for my Sunburn;)).
It started from the Pelourinho, where it was made in the morning to 8 Party. Some people have drummed and sang and others danced to it. Something you can not imagine in Germany. And of course the good beer has not been lacking. Even here in Brazil vieeel beer drinking.
The islands were incredibly beautiful, like a holiday in the Caribbean or Maldives or something. Sandy beaches, palm trees and warm (but much too hot) water. And on the Ilha da Frades there was a klien Capoeiragruppe, who played on the beach. If it works I'll upload the video.
On our boat was a group of international young people, about 6 people with whom we got along well and later Eat are gone and have spent the day. It was very nice to speak once again Engl yourself and also imperative, because people are so focused onto Portuguese that you go to any other language anymore;)
Overall it was a great day with lots of sunshine and holiday atmosphere. On the way back but there were so many waves that we have grown from top to bottom and wet at the time because it was also cool, I pretty much frozen, as shown by now, a slight cold. Sunburn and a cold at the same time I had until now not yet:)
Well let's see what this week is due Sun On weekends several other groups, one of them of young people here want to make any more ... what we do not yet know, but people our age are always good:) So I have to go then
dinners have you all love xx

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pokemon Snap Sixty Force Ontrols

So after I reported recently about everything, but not over my work will make up for that I now.
So a day consists of two layers. Morning from 9-12 and from 14-17 noon Clock. Monday mornings at 9:00 we have always clock a meeting with Alba or her daughter Bel, where the weekly schedule is set.
I usually work every week in the school where the reception in the library, the terrain and there is a day on which something is clean or cleaned up.
In school I give each Friday computer science education and the remaining layers I help the teachers in education or play with the children. This gives me a great deal of fun because the kids are really sweet, even if they have a tremendous amount of energy.
handling by the reception I administrative tasks, such as introduce guests, they can fill out forms, answer the phone, call currency exchange or other institutions or whatever is present.
The library is still under construction, right now I sort the books into categories, label and store them in the computer. Idea is that the libraries will soon become a place where views are also held smaller events such as lectures or anything else. My
environmental responsibilities, are more small. I have the responsibility for a piece of land that lies around the oldest temples of the Fundação. Here I must ensure that the plants are watered and the weeds will be removed. On the day of
Manutenção where something is gesauebert etc. we have now cleaned up the tool house, and the tools free of rust and dirt and rubbed it with oil. This means that today iwr finished and the tools look like new again;)
Wednesday morning is always one of us on the weekly market in order to buy the stocks for the week. The market here is just very interesting. Quite different than in Germany. Stalls are not known here and order either. All stand there where they just Find a place with their merchandise and you have to know as a buyer already exactly where to shop should be, otherwise there is nothing or only the expensive goods. Overall, fruit and vegetables here are also very inexpensive. 3 giant papayas for maybe 2 Euro is already a paradise of fruit here;)

Thus, the tasks are so mean. If you have any questions, then asks)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Missouri Cabin Rental Isolated


For all who do not know yet should:

Here are the first pictures: / xxxdilanxxx / brazil.

Have fun and look at comment;)

Is Pink Cervical Mucus Implantation Bleeding?

shamanic baptism, Praia do Forte and other adventures ...

Sunday morning was the water temple, performed here in the Fundação a shamanic baptism in we were also there. It was lined up in a circle and held hands. Then the prayer to the Great Mother (Oração a grande mãe) prayed and then sang, accompanied by shamanic drums and rattles a few songs. Anyone got some Maiskoerner that were thrown at a certain time to a place that is considered for particularly fruitful, as it were, these grains should be the growth of the child. Thereafter, each person the child, Dandara, an energy along the way (light, wisdom, joy, love ...) and finally was placed in the flowing fountains and each essential oil has dampened his hand and the child about the head removed. This should all Dandara positive energies of individuals to get on track. Overall, this whole baptism was rather strange, but interesting nonetheless.

Then we went to Praia do Forte, where we wanted to look at the Tamar project. The bus trip took hours. Bus is always totally complicated, because there are no time tables, and no stops and you have to stop the bus by show of hands.
When we arrived there, we have looked at the Schildkroetenprojekt, which was really interesting. There was not just turtles, but also starfish, sharks and other marine animals. Wen all interested can enter at times yes google Tamar project.

Furthermore, we have our first Sunday Brazilian Caipirinha for about 2 € drunk who was not only because of the price very nice;)
are the end we still went to the beach, but it was pretty cool yesterday an d windy (oh I can not believe it is possible that I wrote it .. were cool after all, still .. 26Grad). Well as soon you get used to the conditions here.

On the way back to the bus we got into a jam and it was fun to see that the road led on both sides in the same direction and separated only by a Wiesenstueck was simply run over by cars in order to The free track to come. The entire movement was hampered, but that does not mind the Brazilians.

So that's then also it for now ... Love Greetings have, love you xx

Saturday, September 12, 2009

How Much Are Roller Skates At Shopko


Oi, tudo bom?

Oh man this is really getting better. Monday we were the first time in the Pelourinho in Salvador, just suuuuper! I love this city already so much that I could go there every day. We have looked at all the sights and of course, were then at the end of the school of Mestre Bimba ... that was the highlight of my day. Unfortunately, we were a little late and had to be outside, but we were able to look at us, a venerable moment:)
The same with the Southern model, which was unfortunately closed, but we go there again yes:) We have
Capoeiristas saw the sunset the harbor and lots of poverty. At each corner there is someone one asks for money or food. That's really difficult then in this situation, but one can not help everyone ...

Tuesday we wanted to clear up then our formal matters in the embassy and at the Policia Federal, what a disaster it turned out, however, since the message had to and the Policia Federal wanted from us all the documents and fees ... unbelievable the whole thing. First, we have paid for our visa already and we are working so well for free and then do that now again 100Euro plus passport photos etc. Well then we have to do well next week. Total stress all ...

Otherwise the week was actually quite normal ... I'm in the school was working with at the market and have worked in the library and the reception. The work at the reception is the worst because the phone is very quiet here and if people call and I turn to go, then the most as quickly and quietly that I understand only half:) But the sets slowly .. You get used to everything.
Even the cold shower water is not so bad.
Oh and the new washing machine has finally arrived, after being broken for months:) Today I

had my first real Capoeirastunde here .. just wonderful. The coach is super nice and made me straight times shown some cool stuff, so that slowly Dilan Bridge, headstand and similar Things can be;) was also totally exhausting. Namely, I was present the only girl between 15 and boys are speaking so quickly ... but I will definitely participate again next week.

This evening we were in Palmares, the Festa da Música, in the public schools there, working with Terra Mirim in Brin carte. There are several dance groups and Playbackkuenstler occurred in the youth field and I sat with Luli and three other people on the jury, because we know the organizers. One of the groups was a hip hop group here and have always exerted so even taught a few things and had a different idea of Camilla, our Tanzgenier here, with which we sometimes these universal Dances machen.Wenn it works I will soon upload a few videos ... on the same page as the photos. According to the ideas
came a rap band from Simoes Filho, here are relatively well known. Hammer just think. Is not so 100% of my music, but they were really good and then have at the end along with some better-known songs (also known for me:) I'm so rather less knowledge of Brazilian music played). Just Wahnisinn how the young people were enthusiastic and danced ... just great.
The band is with us then went back to the bus and we waited together on the bus with us and especially one of them talk, which was super nice. We now have the number of that and will look at those times Meet since coming here and possibly in the Fundação and a mini concert for us to give, so the end Oktober.Echt cool.

then tomorrow we will probably go to the Tamar project in Salvador, where sea turtles are raised ... but more about that later.

Até logo Beijinhos gente xx