Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Cute Party Invitation For A Third Birthday
to Shivaratri

Shivaratri or Mahashivaratri of the night of Shiva in Hinduism for the worshipers of God Shiva the most important festival, the holiest of all nights. According to the Hindu calendar of public holidays on 14 Ta g of the Month Phalguna , from this year 3 on the 4th March.
Hindus of all traditions to celebrate with fasting, awake at night and with prayers that day. When the ceremony is always poured over the lingam with water, milk, yogurt, butter, honey and sugar and decorated with flowers and the leaves of a sacred tree Bheel.

Shiva says:
"In the fourteenth night of the dark half of the month will be made in Kali Yuga (the current age ) go over the earth. For sure I will be in all Lingas in the mobile and the immobile, take away the sins that have committed the people in the past year and therefore is one that I worshiped in the night with mantras, to be free from sin " .
(Nagar Khanda)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Clean After Bowel Movement
Cologne in Cologne in Cologne tomorrow evening Darshan
Many thanks to the "temple-men" for giving us your rooms are made available, and have cooked soo good for us. Thanks for the great evening!
In his speech, Swami Vishwananda among other things, on the importance of Shivaratri night. It should remain good this all night and think, full of hearts to God. This night brings the special blessing in itself, may be closer to God. And they would also have the special grace that God wishes fulfilled - when are they sent to him with all my heart.
(elsewhere said Swamiji also that you should watch what you wish for. One must be able to handle compliance also)
the Hari Om Mandir in Cologne was down to the rafters Darshan clock began at 20:00 and ended around 1:00 am-There is a Sikh temple, We all have a head covering worn-including Swamiji.
end honors Swamiji yet all the deities in the temple.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Quaker Oat Squares Cereal
We recall that the Darshan takes place tomorrow evening in Cologne in a Sikh temple and that here, out of respect for the Blessed Sacrament, may occur only with a head covering.
Here is a picture of a Sikh temple in Vishwananda Swami in LA (2005)
Here again is the address:
Hari Om Mandir
62 51107 Köln-Rath
Emt Courses Near Boca Raton Fl
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Planning A Church Anniversity
Vishwananda Swami replied to the Satsang in Switzerland many questions of the devotees:
"The Trinity is inside us we have these three qualities. The creation (creation), the preservation and destruction in us, we are creatively active. - with our minds ... we keep as our child and we also destroy a lot ... Our mind is the greatest Yogi because he looks constantly, he is always in search of mind constantly tries everything!. understand - and creates the duality!
Mother Made Me Wear Girdle
Satsang Swami in Switzerland
Yesterday Vishwananda Swami was in Switzerland (Möhlin) Darshan. There were about 200 visitors there and the atmosphere was very friendly and relaxed.
An excerpt from his speech:
"... If you're realized, you see that every action, everything comes from God We are well aware but not yet!. ; The Ziehl of Kriya Yoga is to us the divine consciousness to be aware of all things of everyday life "
Colorful Spandex Tights
Danya Lakshmi raffle
raffle drawing! February 2011 On 13 February the 8. Danya Lakshmi raffle drawing will take place.
The winners are:
first Price: Swami's favorite sweater - Brigitte (D)
second Price: Swami's photo from the limited edition "birthday package" - Brigitte (D)
third Price: CD or DVD to choose from - Claudia (D)
4th Price: Paper - Tilakavati (D)
5th Price: Paper - Manjuri (D)
first Price: Foodwarmers + 2 pans from the set of dishes, the Swami some time used (see the picture)
second Price: Swami's photo from the limited edition "birthday package". This photo can not be bought, but only win!
third Price: DVD or CD of your choice
Lots of raffle drawing at the same time have the opportunity on 13 March 2011 the
3 months to win Super Grand Prize . The award is a wonderful mother Maria icon which Swami long time in his room.
The lots are to 32, - € for purchase in Bhakti Shop, at Ruchita or online . Transfer to an end "raffle" on the account: Bhakti Event GmbH, Frankfurter Sparkasse, Account No. 200282891, BLZ 500 502 01, IBAN: DE295005 0201 0200282891, BIC: FRASDEFFXXX, then please e-mail to tombola @ bhaktimarga.org .
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Pirate Ship Interior Diagram

Here is another response to the Satsang by Swami Vishwananda in Paris.
"We have to accept yourself in order to reach the accept both large and small things of your daily life! Our human being is higher then a Level, which is divine grow. "
(" We have to accept ourself, to accept every small and big thing of our daily life, to accept how we are. Our humanity will then grow to a higher level . Which is divine ")
How Long Before Colyte
Satsang renovation of the offices in Paris
a question yesterday on the Satsang in Paris was:" Do we have free will "
a question yesterday on the Satsang in Paris was:" Do we have free will "
Vishwananda Swami replied " As it has already been said Rama Krishna: The free will of man is like a cow in the meadow, which is tied with a rope to a stake. "
thinks The cow, she would be free, limited in their Radius - but it is God's will, how long the line is.
It is God who has everything in hand. Trust him!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Commercial Rabbit Cage
Currently, the offices will be renovated after the reception:
ie: first remove all old, well-adhesive wallpaper ... (With a lot of soaking, the then folded at some point):
Then came the new electrical wiring, (slots milled, Plaster cable to plaster)
Then the new plasterboard ceiling: dowel the battens on the ceiling, boards , turn screw trowel ceiling and then deleted. This is the current standard
Next: wallpaper, and then finally in the next few days: delete !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is the time being the office "out-ge-sourced" into Bhajancafe: speaks
Low Hemoglobobin Levels What Does It Mean
Japa Mala
Swami Vishwananda about how we can calm our minds:
Swami Vishwananda about how we can calm our minds:
"Nowadays people want everything fast, now you come to me and say, 'Swami, you said we should sing japamalas ten o'clock, but ten japamalas need much time. When will I be ready? " Once they begin to sing, they are already thinking about when they are so be ready. So you mind is not really the thing they do at the moment, but is busy with what they will do it.
If you're centered, if you concentrate when you pray, if you sing the name of God, then this moment solely between you and God. Christ said: 'If you want to pray, no show do it. Go into the darkest corner, where you and God, your father, together alone are. Then talk to him, your Divine Father. " This corner is your heart, where you can be calm. The intellect is not quiet, he thinks the time. You can calm him by singing. If you train the mind by singing to go into your heart, will recognize in this deep sleep, then you know that God is present there. You will perceive it, not because you know it, not because you have read it, but because you'll feel it. "
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Slimquick Vs Hydroxycut
How do I make God happy?
Swami Vishwananda:
" We often ask ourselves how we can please God? How can we make God happy?
There many ways we can make God happy. But what is the best way? Self to be happy is the best way.
God is happy when we are happy!
This is because our happiness is God's good, because we are a part of him. But how can we make ourselves happy? As we serve others and help. The greatest joy comes from serving. The more you help, the happier it makes others see and the more you will find that the joy within you grows and grows. It is not so difficult to give unconditional love and they are getting bigger and bigger to let. Ye have to do it. "
(From a Satsang in Steffenshof, Germany)
Swami Vishwananda:
" We often ask ourselves how we can please God? How can we make God happy?
There many ways we can make God happy. But what is the best way? Self to be happy is the best way.
God is happy when we are happy!
This is because our happiness is God's good, because we are a part of him. But how can we make ourselves happy? As we serve others and help. The greatest joy comes from serving. The more you help, the happier it makes others see and the more you will find that the joy within you grows and grows. It is not so difficult to give unconditional love and they are getting bigger and bigger to let. Ye have to do it. "
(From a Satsang in Steffenshof, Germany)
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