Monday, December 21, 2009

Tilt Boat Trailers Canada

This and That

Sooo ... So on Saturday held its annual Christmas party of the ecological school. At 14:00 clock gave the school bus about 60 excited children of the neighboring towns (Danda, Pitanga de Palmares, Palmares, Santa Rosa, Convel, Oiteiro) to Terra Mirim, where they were welcomed by the teachers of the ecological school already with Christmas music.
The celebration started with a few games, which were carried out by the teacher Artistela, then there was a demonstration of the very young students (4-6), which had rehearsed a song with a dance. It was followed by several dances of the older girls who have been rehearsed for three months every Friday morning.
was the end of the Santa Claus to distribute the gifts. Although every effort not to make a Santa Claus identifiable, most children had looked after a few minutes ago that Max (volunteer), had slipped into the role of "Papa Noel" ... the gifts were received with great joy yet.
With shining eyes were soccer balls, Barbie dolls, sweets etc., unpacked and then as it was to celebrate the day with a good food and juices were also strengthened the attending parents. About 18.00 we went back by bus to the particular places where the children their presents have probably shown with great pride and bliss all relative. Thus, the
was hard for everyone involved a great success and a nice end of 2009.

went on Saturday evening after the Weihnchtsfest then to Palmares ... there there was a Caruru, a typical Brazilian meal consisting of Acaraje, Vatapa, meat and Quiabo. Then a Samba de Roda has been opened. Yesterday I

with some friends to Pitanga de Palmares down, we were only there on the field and are then moved to such a kind of dam. There, my courage was put to the test. The four gates were opened and the current was quite strong. gave access to the water in the form of a wall (ca.6m) (and in my fear of heights), which was used as a diving platform, or via the stones were covered with wire.
Let's say I've tried both versions, which was ultimately the better now ... no idea ... but here in Brazil it is true to its limits;)

This afternoon I'll Terra Mirim decorate Christmas ... as I hammer out I know not yet, as there are just no Christmas cheer comes up ... a fact that no Christmas trees, stars or anything else ... Well look again.

Well then, Merry Christmas!


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