and still more ... how it looks now with the exposed walls. On one side gable (west gable - the photo on the left) is the entire wall framework. Remove Now, after several centuries of the internals, this wall just a brick width is strong. The timber is mostly original (1380), part of the bricks as well. Changes and improvements have been made mainly during installation of the existing window openings.
On the north gable can now be seen from inside the former good hatches. This gable was built in 1650 so completely. The hatches were probably also added the conversion to residential use. The result was then also the actual window openings.
Inevitably back a lot of rubble.
And then a little gem. Behind a brick wall was, as usual, wood wool, and is a small "treasure". Various coins, broken toy soldiers, buttons and various metal parts - concentrated in one place. The coins are all from the 19th Century.
can see here is very good that has moved over time the house. The house is indeed in the immediate vicinity of ports and the background is similar. Corner of a house has sunk and sheared off a partially jammed in the other gable Dielungsbrett this normal. At the corner of the difference is 6 cm.
The examination of the beams I have the Cladding removed from the ceiling. This was only appropriate, as we have rebuilt the house for residential purposes (to 1750).
And what I see here again means more work and more money ... Some bar heads are over, a beam is centered almost completely broken even. Caused most probably sink again through the non-uniform of the house. Let's see what the structural engineer.
So it looks the way from "below" the ceiling visible. have wood wool for insulation and massive bone, then dragged the rats. Includes several rat skeletons, partially mummified.