Brownish Tinged Discharge
the house needs new doors
A room upstairs is currently accessible only through another room. I like it, so have a door to be set again. Since I've torn down a long time nothing more .... I had to get out at least knock a few bricks.
how it looks from the inside out. This will later come in the bathroom. As seen in the background where the beams in the ceiling, still comes in a partition. This is the place for washing machine, dryer, etc., before then the actual bathroom.
from the same position, photographed the existing door opening. On the outer wall are nailed from the inside (plastered) boards. This must of course also out. Of the insulation we do not want to talk, but Wood at this point is only a potential factor Gammel.
Behind then, oh horror, a framed wall. When I was the first board away I really want the heart. Preservation, restoration, costs - which I did not because all through my head. Fairly quickly but was then seen that it is a fairly common design. Such a thing was applied directly using earlier ornament rolling to the wall and is not so very old. For safety, I will show it to the Heritage Office, even if I do not think that it would be worth preserving. can
Well, and after removing the wood paneling is still smooth to see outside. Not so bad, that corner is always identified as a problem, where we have to clean.
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