A good day for her usual morning cleaning, Heleni realize that the guests staying in room number 17 have left on the table a very beautiful board on which rests a series of figures, whose function it seems puzzling to the hotel maid. Pick up one of the mysterious figures of the soil and feel some shame in not knowing where you should put ... The sixty-four squares of the board is still an unknown universe for her. Heleni has developed an instinct in his long years of work in the hotel, so rarely wrong in trying to identify the source of the guests. The owners of the beautiful checkerboard French are no exception. The woman becomes entranced every time I hear the same way that draws your attention to the language as it passes through the crowded dining room. The flow of sound that comes from their mouths evoke in his mind the beauty and elegance of Paris. In short, the image of the young French couple, the scent of her, so spicy and intoxicating, and the curiosity aroused in her the mystery game, make the girl take a decision: he will give away a chessboard her husband for his birthday and so can play together.
His plan is not at all as she had imagined. Her husband does not pay any attention to the board and ultimately craves a game extremely difficult. Heleni start learning to play on their own, and in despair at the impossibility of playing against "the machine" by itself, requires the assistance of a former teacher that everyone respects on the island. The meetings of both to play chess soon arouse curiosity and gossip of inhabitants of Naxos island that would have been minor engaging in an affair that making any kind of "provincial" unaccustomed to "offset" similar.

This splendid book, simple and profound at the same time deserves a little reflection. Kouros Professor, man of letters by profession, despite being the son of pastors, could be considered the mentor of Heleni. At the end of the day it is he who guides you in your learning. The narrator emphasizes the teacher's intellectual capacities and in the place they occupy, and the role they play in your life. It seems that at one point the teacher left to feel attachment to the world around him to enter the world of imagination and literature. As the gentleman from La Mancha who took refuge in the literature of chivalry and the teacher Kouros found solace in his books. Came a day when he gave up all kinds of social engagements, sacrificing his life for a universe that seemed to him more real than his own.
The teacher understood that the initiation of Heleni not be easy, and that this would probably tempted to throw in the towel, having as he had the consolation to immerse themselves in their books. The woman, however, struggled to retain in your head all the tactics he had to learn to improve your technique, not caring what others might think about it.
Kouros ends his life alone and sick, you might think. However, part of this world with peace of mind that gives it the conviction that has floated a woman who was drowning. Since no account Heleni rather than the beginning teacher support, this is indispensable in his journey of initiation.
A recent film version of the novel. Interestingly, the very author of the book has worked as a writer and producer of short films.
The film version is a Franco-German adaptation, which sets the action in a small town on the island of Corsica, which clearly reflects the environment in which they live in Greek island Heleni. The tradition, male and female stereotypes and clichés become manifest in the bottom frame.
Significantly, in the film, plasma is clearly Heleni everything to come to evoke the French couple and the game of chess. The woman would be in a similar situation, idyllic, in which she and her husband play a game of chess, surrounded by a magical light, and she was wearing an elegant silk gown, with a broad smile on his face and fire of love in his eyes.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that both the film version as the original novel capture the metamorphosis of a simple woman with aspirations, hidden and unacknowledged, in a first-intellectual and even spiritual, beyond the purely terrestrial In any event, eventually materialize thanks to the intervention of a colorful character in whose life she too will leave his mark.
Book and film
Henrichs, Bertina. The chess player. Trad. Manuel Talens. Madrid: Alianza, 2007. Joueuse
. Caroline Bottaro Dir. Writer: Caroline Bottaro. Based on the novel by B. Henrichs. Studio Canal, 2009.
Book cover photo
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