Ben Jelloun, Tahar. explained Le racisme à ma fille. Lonrai: Seuil, 1998.
Tahar Ben Jelloun est est né en Algérie mais demenage France, where he lives with his daughter and his wife, also of Morroccan origin. He wrote several other books, among which the most famous are The child sand and The Sacred Night, which are part of the same book.
Tahar Ben Jelloun has decided to write a book to explain to her daughter that is to be racist. It's about a protest against a draft law on immigration in France (which his daughter accompanied him) that he reacted by asking questions about it. His father explains that basically all people are equal, whatever their origin, ethnicity (there is only one race, the human race), religion and beliefs. He dismisses the myths and prejudices they may have towards others, towards those who are not like us. Tahar Ben Jelloun tells his daughter that, although equal, we are all different and it is a handicap as il bien dit, mais c’est quelque chose de profitable et d’enrichissant pour tous.
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