Thursday, September 30, 2010

Toes Hurt After Getting A Pedi

A Comparative Corpus-Aided Analysis of American and British English: A Case Study of Slang

Abstract: This MA thesis should be set against the background of linguistic Globalisation and its diffusion through the media. The mass media allow for linguistic shifts taking place in American English to spread to other World Englishes (above all on the levels of syntax and lexis) as a result of an increasing trend towards colloquialisation, Americanisation and a more democratic model of (power) relationships. The present dissertation constitutes a corpus-based study that analyses the frequency of use of a series of grammatical structures and lexical items in American and British English, particularly focusing on American slang. The study takes as a basis chiefly audiovisual corpora in parallel to which real linguistic data (drawn from a survey on slang) are examined. Results provide evidence of the so called Americanisation of other World Englishes, among them, British English, and that this influence can be observed in both written and audiovisual corpora.

World Englishes
   Hernando Carnicero, Carmen. “A Comparative Corpus-Aided Analysis of American and British English: A Case Study of Slang.” MA Diss. Universidad de Extremadura. Cáceres, Dec. 2009.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Is Hapatitis B Curable

The Princess and the Warrior - The Princess and the Warrior The

The Princess and the Warrior Poster

During the course of the last month I watched this film at least three or four times. I was fascinated by its visual impact. Furthermore, the main thread of the story, together with its dialogues and monologues, made an impression on me. I simply loved the film and thought it would be a good idea to write a summary of the story that captivated me. Since I watched the film in German, I thought it would also be better if the write-up were to be written in the same language, additionally offering me the opportunity to put into practice my German language skills. I apologize for the mistakes that I might have made. I am aware that I must have made quite a few. However, I am sure that the effort I put into writing this text will pay off, as it always does when it comes to learning (and improving) a language.

The Warrior and the Empress
[ Although I'm sure I must have made many mistakes, I wanted to put a short summary of this wonderful film about it to share with others. I look forward to comments .]

The Warrior and the Empress is a strange and harsh but beautiful and profound story that can not be easily forgotten.


Simone, or Sissy, as they then called the all learned Bodo know as strange circumstances. She had an accident he had caused without knowing it. She was run over by a truck. Shortly after the accident occurred, Bodo went under the truck that was exactly where Sissi. Actually, he just wanted to hide, but that no one knew at the time. He fled a few men who were looking for him. Nevertheless, when he saw Sissi on the floor, he came to the girl's aid. The former military approached Sissi. He succeeded hera uszufinden what was wrong with her. Then he cut a small puncture on her neck so she could breathe again. It worked and the younger woman was able to be able to use their lungs again. Soon she realized that the younger man cried. His eyes watered abundantly. What is unusual for a picture!

Sissi has mentioned what she was thinking, while the man was crying and she looked at. You did not think their pain or of death. Instead, she wondered at Bodo's lovely scent. It seemed that he smelled of peppermint quite well. It has held for something special and beautiful.

Sissi was taken to hospital with Bodo at her side. But shortly after he disappeared. She survived the accident and the operation and, after leaving the hospital, she wanted her Rescuers found. Your request was not an easy thing.

The girl Stie ß finally Bodo's residence, which the boy and his brother Walter lived. But it did not come forward with Bodo enthusiasm or joy. He said only that he would not hear of it. The girl was still not on. They did not return home but shortly After this you went back in the middle of the night to Bodo. He was not happy about it. Nevertheless, Walter told the girl in the absence of Bodo's everything you need, what had happened to Bodo in the past. He told her about the accident at the gas station, died in the Bodo's wife. He added that Bodo was still thinking of his wife, just as the day when the accident occurred. He hoped everything would be just as before.

Walter was of the opinion that Bodo stood still, not nu r physically but also mentally, to the bathroom, where he was when his wife died. The young e wanted nothing to do with Sissi or with another woman have to do. Therefore, he threw it out again. Man could see after that he really was obsessed by his deceased wife. He saw them in dreams, and if he was awake. Or maybe it was so that dreams and reality lie not differ must .

The next morning, Sissi made her way to the bank. On the day of the accident she had received a letter from his best friend. Her friend asked her for a favor. Her mother had just died and had left her something. Because her friend is far away from the country was, she asked Sissy to go to the bank to find out from which was her inheritance.

The same day, Bodo and Walter were planning to rob the bank where the second worked. Sissi randomly went to the same bank. Or maybe it really was not an accident but Shicksal. The girl spent the night, however, near Bodo's home, where she slept in the open. She was certainly in the bank, as the brothers sat by their plans. Everything went as planned, or almost everything. At the last moment they were unable to run away with the money. Walter was wounded by a security guard heavy. Bodo and Sissi had to be mighty axes to drive him to the hospital. Soon she had to leave but, as the police looked for them. She went away to a madhouse, Sissi where he has been ordinarily Haushaltsort. As the two spent a few days before the police were warned that the suspected robbers who were in the asylum was located. Sissi learned that her father tried to kill Bodo in the bathtub with a toaster, as long ago found - Sissi out - he killed his wife had .

The boy and the girl met once a decision: they will simply go away. Another nurse, coped well with the Sissi, presented her their car available. Sissi and Bodo jumped Water - in the river, which passed the asylum. The police believed they were on their way. But they hid in the garage and came out the next day. You need to lose the city and went to another country to Sissi's girlfriend. After a while they had to stop the car. They had no gas. The nearest gas station was just the gas station, where Bodo woman had the accident. Finally he told Sissy that it not a real gang accident, but a dispute. He suspected his wife was furious and has even caused the accident.

Suddenly, the action takes place on the toilet, where you can see another Bodo. He goes to the car, gets in and drives on. He is still crying. The other Bodo, who sits on the back of the car, stops at the car. He pulls the crying Bodo from the car and took the wheel. Now you can Sissi and Bodo, the new start a new life. The "old" Bodo is on its way. He meets a bus, whose driver is his deceased brother. This Bodo enters the bus and leave the brothers final. Exactly where can you do not know, but you can imagine it anyway. On the other hand, the new drive Sissi and Bodo away by car. He finally stops crying. He no more tears to eyes. It also provides Bodo from happy. He holds his hand and smiles. He finally understands that Sissi has saved his life, that life has given him another chance, and that the fate has finally found a way to turn the misfortune into fortune.

The Warrior and the Empress (2000). Dir Tom Tykwer. Franka Potente and Benno Perf Führer. Screenplay: Tom Tykwer. X Rental.
( The Princess and the Warrior )

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How To Hide The Older Post In Facebook Wall

Chess Player Queen to Play La

A couple of English-speaking friends showed their interest in following the blog. So I thought it would be a good idea to provide a translation into English for them and anyone who wants to read the review. I am aware that quite a few people have already written reviews of the book and above all, of the film. Nonetheless, I wanted to make my own contribution, even if it is a small one.

Heleni is a Greek chambermaid who lives in the island of Naxos. Brought up in a family with deep-rooted traditions, she leads a somewhat dull and monotonous existence, always living up to other people's expectations, as well as fulfilling all of her duties, both at home and elsewhere. The world that she inhabits is, accordingly, a small village in which there is no place for secrets and where the tiniest oddity would never go unnoticed. Heleni tends to daydream. She takes advantage of the long hours of work, during which she cleans rooms in an automatic way, to give free reign to her imagination. That is her one and only secret. Otherwise, her life is nothing out of the ordinary: life just goes by from work at the hotel and housework, to conversations with friends about the latest gossip (in which she never participates but as a listener) and the spare moments at the café to rest for a while and drink a glass of ouzo .

One day, upon doing her customary morning cleaning, Heleni notices that the guests lodged at room 17 have left on the table a beautiful board, on which a set of pieces rest. These strike her as mysterious. The chambermaid picks up from the floor one of the mysterious pieces and feels somewhat ashamed at not knowing where she should place it... The sixty four squares on the chessboard are still a universe unknown to her. Heleni has developed an instinct throughout her long years of work at the hotel, so that she is rarely wrong when trying to guess the nationality of her guests. The owners of the beautiful chessboard, who are French, are not an exception to this. Heleni will listen to them spellbound, in the same way that their language always catches her attention when she goes by the busy dining room. The flow of sounds coming out of their mouths brings to her mind the beauty and elegance of Paris. All told, the picture of the young French couple, her perfume, so spicy and heady, together with the curiosity that the mysterious game awakens in her, drive the chambermaid to make a decision: she will give her husband a chessboard for his birthday so that they will be able to play together.

However, it does not work out as she had planned. Her husband does not pay the slightest attention to the game and, ultimately, it strikes him as an extremely difficult game. Heleni starts to learn how to play on her own and, frustrated at the difficulties entailed by playing against "the machine", she requires assitance from a former teacher, highly-esteemed by everyone on the island. They meet regulary to play chess, which soon raises the curiosity of the islanders and fuels rumours, on an island where being unfaithful to your partner would be less serious than incurring in any kind of -for the provincials, unaccustomed to such things- eccentricity of the sort.

Heleni and her husband are on the verge of getting a divorce, mainly because her husband, Panis, feels abashed by the rumours and takes the situation pretty badly, as a personal affront. Heleni, knowing all too well the unwritten norms that decree what a woman's behaviour should be like on Naxos, decides from the very beginning to keep from her husband and from the whole village, her unusual recreational activity, which for her, in any case, has turned into what seems to be closer to a profession rather than to a game. The woman, who is well over forty, wishes she could share her hobby with her loved-ones, but knows that not even her closest friend would ever understand what she feels upon entering this -for her- brand-new world. Neither would they conceive of her behaviour as suitable for a woman in her age. They would think she had gone mad, at the very least. Her hobby, then, is doomed to remain a secret between her and old Kouros, her former school teacher, who never actually saw in her a particularly brilliant student but who all the same realises the change that the unassuming woman has undergone.

  After several months of hard training, Kouros finally manages to enrol Heleni for a chess championship that would take place in the Greek capital. She sets out for Athens, in the middle of the night, leaving behind her unsuspecting family. In the meantime, the professor, in poor health, falls seriously ill and has to be admitted to hospital.

Heleni during Chess Tournament

The chess player proves herself, finally encountering her defeat in the third round of the tournament. At long last Panis makes up his mind: the idea of getting a divorce, together with the anger that he felt before give way to the pride that he feels for his wife, a modest woman with great determination, who through hard work succeeds in achieving what she set out to do. During her trip to Athens, Heleni purchases that wonderful perfume used by the Parisian lady who owned the chessboard. She comes back home to Naxos with the conviction that she has lost everything in vain for the sake of an unrealised dream; that perhaps it might not have been worth the trouble, after all. Nonetheless, the story wraps up with the assurance that her sacrifice has borne fruit, and that once and for all she can count on the unconditional support of her husband, her boss and all islanders, who impatiently await her arrival and feel proud that she has represented them in the well-known tournament.

This wonderful book, simple and deep at the same time, is worth at the very least a brief reflection. Professor Kouros, who had a vocation for letters since very early in life, albeit descended from a family of shepherds, could be considered to be Heleni's mentor. At the end of the day, he takes her up on her challenge to guide her throughout her apprenticeship. The narrator emphasises Kouros' intelectual capacity as well as the role that it played in his life. The moment came, our narrator explains, when the professor stopped feeling attached to the world sorrounding him in order to enter the world of imagination and literature. Very much in the same way that the knight from La Mancha found a haven in Chivalric literature, professor Kouros took comfort in his books. The day came when he renounced all social commitments, forgoing his life for a universe that struck him as more real than that of his own.

The professor knew that Heleni's initiation would not be easy, and that she would probably feel tempted to throw in the towel, not having, as he did, the reassurance that he could draw from his books. The woman, nonetheless, would strive to cram her head with all of the tactics that she was supposed to learn in order to improve her technique, not caring at all about what others might make of it.

At the end of his life, Kouros is alone and ill, we might think. However, he leaves this world with the reassurance that he has put on a sound footing a woman who drowned. Since Heleni initially could only count on the professor, the latter is absolutely irreplaceable in her voyage of discovery.


A recent film adaptation of the novel has been produced. Interestingly enough, the author of the book herself has worked as a scriptwriter and short producer.
The screen version is a Franco-German adaptation that sets the action in a small village on the island of Corsica. The village very clearly mirrors the ambiance characteristic of the Greek island that Heleni inhabits in the novel. Tradition, male and female stereotypes and clichés become manifest in the framework of the story.

It is noteworthy that the film captures accurately all of the elements that bring to Heleni's mind the memory of the French couple playing chess. The woman wishes she could find herself in a similar situation, idyllic as it was, in which her husband and her would play chess together, bathed in majestic light; she would be clad in a most elegant silk nightdress, with a wide smile on her face and the fire of love in her eyes.

To wrap up, it is worth mentioning that both the screen version and the original novel depict the metamorphosis undergone by a simple, unassuming woman with intellectual aspirations -that initially lie concealed and unconfessed- which verge on spirituality, trascending purely worldly affairs. Ultimately, it is through the intervention of a quaint character that Heleni's aspirations finally materialize, and in turn she will also make an imprint on this character's life.


Henrichs, Bertina. The Joueuse d'échecs (The Chess Player ). 2005. Leana Levi: np
Joueuse . 2009. Caroline Bottaro Dir. Screenplay: Caroline Bottaro. Based on a novel by B. Henrichs. Studio Canal.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Chelsea Dale Scholarship Sponsors

Thoughts on the facade

Photoshop is already horny. With the support of my ideas I once visualizes the future facade. On the color scheme I'm still tinkering, white is the first time just a placeholder.
Who all differences to now place a week supervision wins. :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Nj Open Indoor Basketball Courts

So, Sunday - today is only a little work. :)
In another room on the ground floor I've got the floorboards removed . Among them is the filled cellar. Here he has to get out of the earth and therein (historic) building rubble, it's all wet at this point. As found in this rubble always some more or less funny things, I kneel in and worked with a small hand shovel.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Egg White Cervical Mucus Or Sperm

Baupfusch Sunday work from the past

After 2 weeks off it goes again. A new container is there, in with the accumulated debris.

was in the basement, the water a few inches high, too much rain lately. Soon I will be here even excavate a clean hole and then install the pump fixed.

Then continue with the excavation of the exterior walls on the ground floor. I now come to a tricky spot where the wall has collapsed even in part.

No matter what path is loose. I have now removed two wall shells. Reason of the problem was probably a completely inappropriate mounted wall opening in the 1970s. As time went by the withdrawal of a gas heater. When dismantling in the 1990s was botched again and stuffed the hole with just wool.

Rugrats Rescue Online Game

jugadora de ajedrez

Heleni is a housekeeper who lives on the Greek island of Naxos. Raised in a family tradition leveraged, leads a rather dull and monotonous, fulfilling the expectations and roles expected of it, both inside and outside the home. The world in which it moves is also a small town where there is no room for secrets and where the lowest of the eccentricities do not go unnoticed. Heleni has a habit of daydreaming. Take advantage of long hours of cleaning carried out automatically to give free rein to your imagination. This is her only secret. Otherwise, his life is perfectly normal, between work and housework, talks about the latest gossip (which she does not participate rather than listener) and the short time at the bar for a little rest while drinking some ouzo .

A good day for her usual morning cleaning, Heleni realize that the guests staying in room number 17 have left on the table a very beautiful board on which rests a series of figures, whose function it seems puzzling to the hotel maid. Pick up one of the mysterious figures of the soil and feel some shame in not knowing where you should put ... The sixty-four squares of the board is still an unknown universe for her. Heleni has developed an instinct in his long years of work in the hotel, so rarely wrong in trying to identify the source of the guests. The owners of the beautiful checkerboard French are no exception. The woman becomes entranced every time I hear the same way that draws your attention to the language as it passes through the crowded dining room. The flow of sound that comes from their mouths evoke in his mind the beauty and elegance of Paris. In short, the image of the young French couple, the scent of her, so spicy and intoxicating, and the curiosity aroused in her the mystery game, make the girl take a decision: he will give away a chessboard her husband for his birthday and so can play together.

His plan is not at all as she had imagined. Her husband does not pay any attention to the board and ultimately craves a game extremely difficult. Heleni start learning to play on their own, and in despair at the impossibility of playing against "the machine" by itself, requires the assistance of a former teacher that everyone respects on the island. The meetings of both to play chess soon arouse curiosity and gossip of inhabitants of Naxos island that would have been minor engaging in an affair that making any kind of "provincial" unaccustomed to "offset" similar.

Heleni and her husband are on the verge of divorce, mainly because her husband, Panis, feels humiliated by the gossip and take the situation as a personal affront. Heleni itself, knowing how well aware of the unwritten rules that dictate how a woman has to behave in Naxos, decided from the beginning to hide her husband and the entire people its strange recreational activity, which in any case becomes for her a look more suited to a profession than a game. The woman, who happens because of quarantine, I would like to share their hobby with those closest to her, but knows that even her best friend would understand how it feels to go into this universe, new to her. Neither accepted as appropriate behavior for a woman her age, and at least be labeled crazy. Is doomed, therefore, to share his secret with the old Kouros, a former school teacher, never considered it especially bright, but he realizes the change that has occurred in the simple woman. After months of hard training, the teacher gets to admit Heleni in a chess tournament to be held in the Greek capital. The woman travels to Athens, leaving his family home at dawn, without notice. Meanwhile, the teacher, frail, ill and was admitted. The chess player proves his worth, finally finding his defeat in the third round of the tournament. Panis finally making a decision. The idea of divorce and anger that was previously made to step aside to let the pride he feels for his wife, a simple but with determination, that their efforts get what has been proposed. On his trip to Athens, Heleni acquired this wonderful lady wearing perfume Parisian chessboard. Back to Naxos convinced that he has lost everything for a dream, that may not have been worthwhile. However, the story ends with the promise that the sacrifice has paid off, and that, once and for all, has the support of her husband, her boss and the entire island, the eagerly awaited , and speak with pride of their representation in the famous tournament.

This splendid book, simple and profound at the same time deserves a little reflection. Kouros Professor, man of letters by profession, despite being the son of pastors, could be considered the mentor of Heleni. At the end of the day it is he who guides you in your learning. The narrator emphasizes the teacher's intellectual capacities and in the place they occupy, and the role they play in your life. It seems that at one point the teacher left to feel attachment to the world around him to enter the world of imagination and literature. As the gentleman from La Mancha who took refuge in the literature of chivalry and the teacher Kouros found solace in his books. Came a day when he gave up all kinds of social engagements, sacrificing his life for a universe that seemed to him more real than his own.

The teacher understood that the initiation of Heleni not be easy, and that this would probably tempted to throw in the towel, having as he had the consolation to immerse themselves in their books. The woman, however, struggled to retain in your head all the tactics he had to learn to improve your technique, not caring what others might think about it.

Kouros ends his life alone and sick, you might think. However, part of this world with peace of mind that gives it the conviction that has floated a woman who was drowning. Since no account Heleni rather than the beginning teacher support, this is indispensable in his journey of initiation.

A recent film version of the novel. Interestingly, the very author of the book has worked as a writer and producer of short films.
The film version is a Franco-German adaptation, which sets the action in a small town on the island of Corsica, which clearly reflects the environment in which they live in Greek island Heleni. The tradition, male and female stereotypes and clichés become manifest in the bottom frame.

Significantly, in the film, plasma is clearly Heleni everything to come to evoke the French couple and the game of chess. The woman would be in a similar situation, idyllic, in which she and her husband play a game of chess, surrounded by a magical light, and she was wearing an elegant silk gown, with a broad smile on his face and fire of love in his eyes.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that both the film version as the original novel capture the metamorphosis of a simple woman with aspirations, hidden and unacknowledged, in a first-intellectual and even spiritual, beyond the purely terrestrial In any event, eventually materialize thanks to the intervention of a colorful character in whose life she too will leave his mark.

Book and film

Henrichs, Bertina. The chess player. Trad. Manuel Talens. Madrid: Alianza, 2007. Joueuse

. Caroline Bottaro Dir. Writer: Caroline Bottaro. Based on the novel by B. Henrichs. Studio Canal, 2009.

Book cover photo